You decide you're going to start waking up at 5am to workout.
You make it to Thursday…
Alarm goes off.
Hit snooze.
And there is no way you're getting out of your cozy bed!
You aren't getting out of bed because you're lazy, but because you've set an unrealistic goal!
Here are 3 steps to setting a realistic goal for your morning routine:
Step 1: Identify 3-6 pie pieces of your life
Think of your "Life Pie" and the 3-6 pieces represent how you want to spend your time:
At least 3 to diversify where your happiness & identity come from
No more than 6 to get clear on what you're prioritizing
Some ideas:
Health, family, friends, partner, hobbies, work
Get specific on what activities each pie piece encompasses
(hobby activities: podcasting, pickleball, yoga)
Do this step first so you KNOW you're waking up for something that's important to you.
Step 2: Use your morning routine to make time for 1 of the Pie Pieces
For example - you could:
Pick your hobbies pie piece
Choose to start a podcast
This is a good choice for your morning routine IF:
You're usually too tired to do the activity at the end of the day
It requires your freshest energy
Something your body/brain naturally craves
A year from now, you would be bummed if you didn't start taking action on it
If it doesn't hit these things, you will likely not wake up to do it.
Step 3: Meet yourself where you're and add 10 minutes
You have to make time for this new activity, so let's build that time in a sustainable way!
Take your current wake up time - 7am
Start waking up 10 minutes earlier - 6:50am
Do that for a week - Mon-Fri
Prove to yourself that you can be consistent - track it
Then add 10 more minutes - 6:40am
After 4 weeks, you will have found a consistent 40 minutes a day to work on your podcast.
Setting realistic morning routine goals is about doing something:
You've identified as a priority
You are excited to wake up for
Meeting yourself where you're at before going bigger!
Schedule a free 15 min call this week and we get can set you’re realistic goals!